Академик др Димитрије Панфилов


Dr. med. Dimitrije PANFILOV


Jan.19, 1945                  rođen u  Županji/Hrvatska


  1. Medicinski Fakultet – Beograd/Jugoslavija
    1. Stažer u Beogradu, Osijeku i Vukovaru
    1. Specijalizacija opšte hirurgije – Štraubing/Nemačka kod Dr. Martina Erbera
    1. Specijalizacija opšte hirurgije – Kamp-Lintfort/Nemačka kod Dr. Herberta Bungarta

Okt.4, 1977                   Licenca specijaliste za opštu hirurgiju kod Lekarske Komore Severne Rajne, Diseldorf/Nemačka 1977.


  1. Specijalizacija plastične hirurgije, hirurgije šake i mikrohirurgije – Ludvigshafen na Rajni/Nemačka kod Prof. Dr. Dr. Petera Rudolfa Celnera
    1. Specijalizacija plastične i estetske hirurgije na Geteovom Univerzitetu – Frankfurt na Majni/Nemačka kod Prof. Dr. Gotfrida Lemperlea

Jan.2, 1980                   Licenca specijaliste za plastičnu hirurgiju Lekarske Komore Pokrajine Hesen, Frankfurt/Nemačka (ispitna komisija iz Kelna: ŠRUDE, OLIVARI) 1980.


  1. Šef odelenja za plastičnu hirurgiju u Medicinskom Centru Vukovar/Jugoslavija
  2. Nostrifikacija specijalizacije za plastičnu hirurgiju, Sekretarijat za Narodno

                                    Zdravlje, Beograd (ispitna komisija: ARNERI, TOMIĆ, POZNIĆ – Bgd)


  1. Hirurg u klinici za estetsko-plastičnu hirurgiju Dr. Gzel – Nirnberg/Nemačka
    1. Zamenik šefa odelenja za plastičnu i hirurgiju šake u klinici Lipe – Lemgo/Nemačka kod Prof. Dr. Mihaela Vanskea

Od 1995                         Vlastita privatna praksa za plastičnu hirurgiju u Bonu/Nemačka

Od 1999                        Osnivač i šef „NOFRETETE – PRIVATNE KLINIKE ZA ESTETSKU HIRURGIJU“ Bon/Nemačka

2000                             Vanredni Profesor na Vilnius Univerzitetu, Litvanija

2002                             Osnivač GESAPSa – Global Expert Service Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

Od 2003                        Glavni i odgovorni urednik AESTHETIC NEWS-a – infopul za žurnaliste

Od 2005                        Predsednik Internacionalne Akademije za Estestko-Plastičnu Hirurgiju (IAAPS)

Od 2006                        Osnvač Specijalne bolnice za Plastičnu hirurgiju “CLINIC OLYMP“-Novi Sad


1988-Zlatna medalja Seulske Nacionalne Univerzitetske Bolnice za humanitarnu akciju u okviru nemačkog Interplasta

2004-Susrutina Medalja za internacionalni angažman u oblasti estetske hirurgije i višestruka predavanja u Indiji – Susruta – govornik na 39. APSICON kongresu (Susruta, 600 g.p.n.e.-prvi plastični hirurg u istoriji) Dobitnik dva „Zlatna skalpela“ 2009 i 2011 od Internacionalnog Foruma za Plastičnu hirurgiju

Nagrada „Best Clinic“ na predlog Sokratovog Komiteta iz Oxforda sa 5-ogodišnjom licencom dodeljena 12. 1o. 2015. u Kanu (Francuska).

Nagrada „Menager of the Year“ Evropske Medicinske Asocijacije (EMA) iz Brisela dodeljena 2015. u Kanu.

Aktivnosti i članstva:

-205 naučnih predavanja na nacionalnim, internacionalnim, evropskim i svetskim kongresima,

-49 članaka u stručnim časopisima i poglavlja u udžbenicima plastične i estetske hirurgije,

-10 knjiga iz oblasti plastične hirurgije

-21 film iz oblasti plastične hirurgije

-Organizator 15 internacionalnih simpozija iz oblasti estetske i plastične hirurgije

-Učesnik humanitarne akcije: Interplast-Nemačka i Fridensdorf-Oberhauzen/Nemačka

-Osnivajući član Mediteranskog Opekotinskog Kluba – Palermo/Italija 1983

-Osnivajući član Lipoplasty Univerziteta, Ostin/Teksas 2001 i predstavnik za Nemačku

-Član Udruženja Nemačkih Plastičnih Hirurga (VDPC)

-Počasni član Jugoslovenskog Društva za Plastičnu, Rekonstruktivnu i Estetsku Hirurgiju

-Član Nemačko-Govornog Udruženja za Mikrohirurgiju

-Član Nemačkog Društva za Plastičnu i Rekonstruktivnu Hirurgiju

-Član Nemačkog Društva za Estetsko-Plastičnu Hirugiju (DGÄPC)

-Član Evropske Akademije Kozmetske Hirurgije (EACS)

-Član Internacionalnog Udruženja za Estetsku Pastičnu Hirurgiju (ISAPS) 1997

-jedan od 8 počasnih doživotnih članova (Life members) ISAPS-a

-Član Američkog Udruženja za Estetsku Plastičnu Hirurgiju (ASAPS) 2001

-Član Skupštine Delegata Internacionalne Konfederacije za Plastičnu, Rekonstruktivnu i Estetsku

  Hirurgiju – Jokohama/Japan 1995 (IPRAS)

-Zaveden u „Who is Who u Saveznoj Republici Nemačkoj – VIP Enciklopedija – SAD“

-Diplomat Lipoplasty Univerziteta, Ostin, Teksas 2000

-Internacionalni koordinator 1. Internacionalne Konferencije za Plastičnu, Rekonstruktivnu i Estetsku Hirurgiju – „Limberg-Meeting“, 22.-24.Septembra 2005, St.Petersburg, Rusija

-Urednik Aesthetic News-a (GESAPS – Global Expert Service of Aesthetic-Plastic Surgery)

-Predsednik i Visiting Professor Internacionalne Akademije za Estetsko-Plastičnu Hirurgiju (IAAPS)

-Podpredsednik Srpske Akademije Inovacionih Nauka za medicinu (SAIN) u Beogradu od 2007.

-Vitez i Maršal Evropskog Vinskog Viteškog reda (EVVS) osnovanog 1468, od 2007.

-Član Elitnog Udruženja „Srpski krivak“ od 2014.

-Član Udruženja Književnika Srbije od 2015.

-Član Srpske Kraljevske Akademije Naučnika i Umetnika (SKANU) u Beogradu od 2015.

-Član Naučnog komiteta zaduženog za Plastičnu hirurgiju Evropske Medicinske Asocijacije (EMA) 2016.



The most important works at national, international and world congresses


  1. „ EVALUATION OF PSYCHIC CHANGES AFTER AESTHETIC OPERATIONS FOR BODY DEFORMITIES“ 19.04.1995, 11th World Congress for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Yokohama, Japan
  2. „AESTHETIC RHINOPLASTY – RULES & REQUIREMENTS“ – (Panellist), The II European Congress on Advances in Cosmetic Surgery, 08.-10.05.1998, London, Great Britain
  3. „DEPILATION WITH RUBIN LASER“ – 3 Papers with slides, London, GB
  4. „ULTRASOUNDLIPOCONTOURING – REFINEMENT OF LIPOSUCTION“ – 24.06.1997 Paper with slides 8th Congress European Section IPRAS, Lisbon, Portugal
  5. „ULTRASOUND AS STANDARD PROCEDURE IN LIPOSCULPTURING“ – 25.04.1998 Paper with slides – II Int. Symposium on Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Bonn, Germany
  6. „DETAIL IMPROVEMENT IN RHINOPLASTY – EXPERIENCE AFTER 1000 NOSES“ (Chairman), I Balkan Congress for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, April 1-3, 1999, Thessaloniki, Greece
  7. „MODERN CONCEPTS OF FACIAL REJUVENATION“ – 24.04.1999 – Paper with slides at  Aphrodite – International Symposium on Plastic & Aesthetic Surgery, Larnaca, Cyprus
  8. „ULTRASOUND ASSISTED LIPOSUCTION IN SPECIAL RARE LOCATIONS“ – 30.04.1999 – Paper with slides at II International Symposium of DGÄPC, „BODY CONTOURING“, Kloster Banz, Germany
  9. „REFINEMENTS IN RHINOPLASTY – EXPERIENCE AFTER 1001 NOSES“ – Paper with slides – 28.06.1999-12th World Congress for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, San Francisco, U.S.A.
  10. „ÄSTHETISCHE OPERATIONEN BEIM MANN IN DER PRIVATKLINIK NOFRETETE BONN“ – Paper with slides – 18.09.99 – 4. Annual Congress of German Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, Kloster Seeon, Germany
  11. „BREAST ASYMMETRY“ – Paper with slides – 28.09.99 – ISAPS Safari Instructional Course, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
  12. „INDIVIDUALITY AND NOSE CORRECTIONS“ – Paper with slides – 14.03.00 – Aesthetic Surgery at the Red Sea – 4th International Symposium, Eilat, Israel
  13. “MODERN CONCEPTS OF FACIAL REJUVENATION”, Summer semester 2000 of Vilnius Uiversity Medical School, Vilnius, Lithuania
  14. “INDIVIDUALITY AND NOSE CORRECTIONS”, Summer semester 2000 of Vilnius Uiversity Medical School, Vilnius, Lithuania
  15. “EQUALISING ASYMMETRIC BREASTS”  Summer semester 2000 of Vilnius Uiversity Medical School, Vilnius, Lithuania
  16. “ULTRASOUND ASSISTED LIPOPLASTY”  Summer semester 2000 of Vilnius Uiversity Medical School, Vilnius, Lithuania
  17. „MIDI-FACE-LIFT“, alternatives and adjuvant procedures“ – PowerPoint – presentation, 2nd Balkan  congress and ISAPS Mini Course 24.05.2001, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
  18. „REDUCTIVE AND AUGMENTATIVE LIPOPLASTY“ – The Second European Meeting on Liposuction and Lipofilling (EACS), Faculty Guest Speaker, Düsseldorf, Germany, February  16,2002
  19. „CHIRURGIA DA FACE –PARTE MEDIO“ – Invited Faculty Speaker, III International Plastic Surgery Symposium, Sao Paulo, Brazil
  20. „MIDI-FACE-LIFT“ –  Power Point Presentation at 35th American Aesthetic Meeting, ASAPS-ASERF – ISAPS, April 27, 2002, Las Vegas, U.S.A.



  1. „FACELIFT ANATOMY AND TECHNIQUE  REFINEMENTS“ – Master Class Lesson with Bryan Mendelson at XVI. World Congress of  ISAPS, May 27, 2002, Istanbul,  Turkey
  2. „ALGORITHM OF BLEPHAROPLASTY“ – Panel Lecture, International Instructional Course of  Facial Rejuvenation,  26.01.2003, Bombay, India
  4. “REDUCTIVE AND AUGMENTATIVE LIPOPLASTY” – ISAPS-Mini Course and III Balkan Congress (Section of IPRAS), May 22, 2003, Iasi, Romania
  5. „CHANGING CONCEPTS OF FACIAL REJUVENATION“ – Panellist of the 13th World Congress of IPRAS, August 10, 2003, Sydney, Australia
  6. „PENIS ENLARGEMENT AND ELONGATION“ – PowerPoint presentation, 13th World Congress of IPRAS, August 15, 2003, Sydney, Australia
  7. „UAL-6 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE; 1.400 PATIENTS AND 3.500 TREATED ZONES“ – Swiss ISAPS Course: „Highlights of the last two decades“, September 6, 2003, Lugano, Switzerland
  8. “REJUVENATION OF FIVE FACIAL TOPOGRAPHIC UNITS” – ISAPS – Aesthetic Surgery Course and V Brazilian Congress of Videoendoscopy, October 3, 2003, Curitiba, Brazil
  9. “NEW VOLUMETRIC CONCEPT OF FACIAL STYLING: RHYTIDOPLASTY AND REFILLER” – XXX Annual International Symposium of Plastic-Aesthetic Surgery, November 4, 2003, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico



  1. „DIFFICULT NASAL TIP: PAST; PRESENT; FUTURE“ – invited PowerPoint presentation, XV Congress Ibero-Latinoamerican Society, May 9, 2004, Sevilla, Spain
  2. „REDUCTIVE LIPOPLASTY INCLUDING VASER UAL“ – Lipoplasty University, August 28, 2004, Austin, Texas, USA
  3. „AUGMENTATIVE PHALLOPLASTY“ – 17th World Congress of ISAPS, August 30, 2004, Houston, Texas, USA
  4. „ÄSTHETISCH-CHIRURGISCHE ASPEKTE DER PROSOPOLOGIE“ – 35. Tagung der VDPC, September 24, 2004, Düsseldorf, Germany
  5. „PROSOPOPLASTY – AESTHETIC SURGERY OF FACIAL MOSAIC“ – 39th APSICON, November 25, 2004, Jaipur, India
  7. „ANTHROPO-DESIGN“ – 32. Jahrestagung der DGÄPC, December 4, 2004, Mannheim, Germany
  8. „AUGMENTATIVE PHALLOPLASTY“ – oral PowerPoint presentation with Video-Clip, XVIII Congress of French Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery SOFCEP, June 4, 2005, Paris, France
  9. „MAMARY IMPLANTS“ – Panelist of Round Table, 24th Jornada Carioca de Cirurgia Plastica, August 4, 2005, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  10. „RADIOFREQUENCY AND PROSOPOPLASTY TO IMPROVE FACELIFT OUTCOMES“ – oral presentation and Chairman of 1st Rhinoplasty Session at X European Congress of European Societies for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (ESPRAS), August 31-September 3, 2005, Vienna, Austria



  1. „PROSOPOPLASTY OF FACIAL MOSAIC – NEW ENTITY FOR NEW AGE“ – PowerPoint presentation with Video-Film as Faculty at ISAPS Postgraduate Instructional Course, September 4-6, 2005, Sveti Stefan, Serbia & Montenegro
  2. „CORPORAL INTEGRITY PROVIDING HUMAN ACCEPTANCE“, oral Presentation as International Co-ordinator at 1st International Conference for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery – „Limberg-Meeting“, September 22-26, 2005, St. Petersburg, Russia
  3. „RHINOPLASTY: CLOSED, DELIVERY AND OPEN METHOD“, oral Presentation as International Co-ordinator at 1st International Conference for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery – „Limberg-Meeting“, September 22-26, 2005, St. Petersburg, Russia
  4. „MINI-INVASIVE HIGH-PRECISION: RADIOSURGERY“, oral Presentation as International Co-ordinator at 1st International Conference for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery – „Limberg-Meeting“, September 22-26, 2005, St. Petersburg, Russia
  5. „PREFERABLE IMPLANTS IN BREAST ASYMMETRIES“, oral Presentation as International Co-ordinator at 1st International Conference for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery – „Limberg-Meeting“, September 22-26, 2005, St. Petersburg, Russia
  6. „REDUCTIVE LIPOPLASTY WITH VASER ULTRASOUND SYSTEM“ as International Co-ordinator at 1st International Conference for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery – „Limberg-Meeting“, September 22-26, 2005, St. Petersburg, Russia
  7. Master Class Lesson: „PROSOPOPLASTY“ – one hour – at „Limberg-Meeting“, September 22-24, 2005, St. Petersburg, Russia
  8. Master Class Lesson: „BLEPHAROPLASTY“ – one hour – at „Limberg-Meeting“, September 22-24, 2005, St. Petersburg, Russia
  9. One Live Operating Demonstration: „BREAST AUGMENTATION WITH MPS SILICONE IMPLANTS“ – Workshop at „Limberg-Meeting“, September 25, 2005, St. Petersburg, Russia
  10. “AFT – MICROLIPOFILLING”, ”  – AESURG Congress, February 3-5, 2006, Kolkata (Calcutta), India



  1. “BREAST AND PENIS ENLARGEMENTS”  – AESURG Congress, February 3-5, 2006, Kolkata (Calcutta), India
  2. „PRIMARY AND SECONDARY RHINOPLASTIES“,– IAAPS Meeting of Indian IAAPS Chapter, Feb. 10-11,   2006 Mumbai (Bombay), India
  3. „MOSAIC OF FACIAL SURGERY“,– IAAPS Meeting of Indian IAAPS Chapter, Feb. 10-11,   2006 Mumbai    (Bombay), India
  4. „AFT – EXPARIENCES AFTER 500 TREATEMENTS”  – IAAPS Meeting of Indian IAAPS Chapter, Feb. 10-11, 2006, Mumbai (Bombay), India
  5. Workshop with live surgery „FACIAL NEUROFIBROMATA“,– IAAPS Meeting of Indian IAAPS Chapter, February 10-11, 2006, Mumbai (Bombay), India.
  6. Workshop with live surgery „RECONSTRUCTIVE RHINOPLASTY“,– IAAPS Meeting of Indian IAAPS Chapter, February 10-11, 2006, Mumbai (Bombay), India.
  7. Workshop with live surgery “FACELIFT” – IAAPS Meeting of Indian IAAPS Chapter, February 10-11, 2006, Mumbai (Bombay), India.
  8. „AUGMENTATIVE PHALO- AND MASTOPLASTY“ – 18.SOFCEP Meeting,3.June 2005,Paris, France
  9. „FACIAL MOSAIC SURGERY“, PowerPoint Presentation; – 19th Congress GÄCD (Gesellschaft für Ästhetische Chirurgie Deutschlands), 9.9.2006, Mannheim, Germany
  10. ”REDUCTIVE RHINOPLASTY” – Film – 19th Congress GÄCD (Gesellschaft für Ästhetische Chirurgie Deutschlands), 9.9.2006, Mannheim, Germany



  1. “ESTETSKA HIRURGIJA IZMEĐU HUMANOG IDENTITETA I SOCIJALNE ETIKE» – Powerpoint , prezentacija u SANU, 26.10.2006., Beograd, Srbija
  2. “CIRUGIA ESTETICA GENITAL“,AECEP Meeting, 18. November, 2006, Madrid, Spain
  3. „TRATAMIENTO QUIRURGICO DEL OLIGOPHALLUS”, AECEP Meeting, 18. November, 2006, Madrid, Spain
  4. “PROSOPOPLASTIADEL MOSAICO FACIAL” – AECEP Meeting, 18. November, 2006, Madrid, Spain
  5. “VOLUMETRISCHE HARMONISIERUNG DES GESICHTSMOSAIKS“, 34. Jahrestagung DGÄPC, 25. November 2006, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
  6. „CHIRURGIA SEXUALIA“ 34. Jahrestagung DGÄPC, 25. November 2006, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
  7. “AESTHETIC SURGERY AS THE EIGHTH ART“ – 6th IAAPS meeting and 10th ESLAS meeting, May 26,2007, Athens, Greece
  8. “VERMEIDUNG UND BEHANDLUNG VON KOMPLIKATIONEN BEI FACELIFTS“ – 35. Jahrestagung, DGÄPC, 1.12.2007, Hamburg, Germany
  9. “CHIRURGIA SENSUALIA” , XI Italo-American International Symposium on Plastic Surgery: “A Moment of Reflexion” (800 ANNI DELLA SCUOLA DI MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA), 26.June,2008, Bologna, Italy
  10. “Facial Analysis and Surgical Consequences” 7th Croatian Congress of Plastic Surgery. Split Croatia , October 02.2008.



  1. “MIDI-FACELIFT AND TRICUSPIDAL SMAS FLAP” – Mesa redonda – 39th Argentine Congress of Plastic Surgery, Mar del Plata, Argentina, March 25, 2009.
  2. “EL ROSTRO COMO UN MOSAICO DINAMICO DE TRABAJO” – Mesa redonda –  39th Argentine Congress of Plastic Surgery, Mar del Plata, Argentina, Mach 26, 2009.
  3. “CIRUGIA DE LA SENSUALIDAD” – Mesa redonda – 39th Argentine Congress of Plastic Surgery, Mar del Plata, Argentina, March 26, 2009.
  4. “FALOPLASTIA AUMENTATIVA” – Mesa redonda – 39th Argentine Congress of Plastic surgery, Mar del Plata, Argentina, March 26, 2009.
  5. “PREFERENCIA DE IMPLANTES MAMARIOS” – Mesa redonda – 39th Argentine Congress of Plastic Surgery, Mar del Plata, Argentina, March 27, 2009.
  7. ” PROSOPOPLASTY – FACIAL ANALYSIS AND SURGICAL CONSEQUENCES” – 7th Symposium on Aesthetic Surgery of IAAPS, May 16, 2009, Novi Sad, Serbia
  8. “ LIPOPLASTY: THE IMPORTANCE OF THE VERTICALISATION” – 7th Symposium on Aesthetic Surgery of IAAPS, May 16, 2009, Novi Sad, Serbia
  9. “ INTIMATE SURGERY “ – 7th Symposium on Aesthetic Surgery of IAAPS, May 16, 2009, Novi Sad, Serbia
  10. „ ASPIRATIVE CORPORAL CONTOUROPLASTY WITH FINAL VERTICALISATION” – ISAPS 1 Day Symposium and 6th BAPRAS Congress, June 6, 2009, Ohrid, Macedonia
  11. ” RHYTIDECTOMY – FACELIFT OR PROSOPOPLASTY” – ISAPS 1 Day Symposium and 6th BAPRAS Congress, June 6, 2009, Ohrid, Macedonia
  12. “ PROSOPOPLASTY “ – Round Table,  11th ESPRAS Congress, Rhodes, Greece, September 21, 2009